Ok. So .. I was not aware that cooking, much like reading smut and drinking alcohol, when done for the pure enjoyment of yourself..can be addicting.
This weekend I went Betty Crocker on everybody's ass. I think perhaps I may have been her in a past life.
I was whipping eggs and cream and baking and chopping and steaming and boiling like a cook off the food network channel.
*Update from last blog...Mtv has contacted me about doing a cooking show..different than the food network. LC from the hills will be my assistant and vodka will be passed around so everyone can get into the spirit. My agents are still working on the negotiations. Apparently they dont want a fire breathing dragon in the kitchen. Word like "liability" are being thrown around. -and now back to your regularly broadcasted channel-*
I EVEN got alittle brave this weekend..or maybe that was just the vodka...and cooked for my brothers and his friends. Now if you want anybody to be your food critic..it's these guys. They can grill and broil and saute and make Paula Dean and Emerald look like Barney making glitter cookies with the kindergartners. Seriously.
I cooked Texas enchiladas and added some secret ingredients. Crack. SSH it's a secret.
And they said and I quote "Banging job B." and I said "banging?" and Steve said "You did the damn thing" and at this point I ran back to the kitchen and rubbed my little fat fingers together in jubilation.
I am now officially the cook of the house. And damnit...look out Paula Dean. I'm not sayin...I'm just sayin.