So. I have this uncontrollable desire to try new things. And by new things I mean sky diving.
I have a list.
A list I will never put on my blog because if I see ANY of you on CNN being the youngest astronaut to fly in space I will punch a wall. And then I will switch up your mandatory blood test with that of an addicted crack user. I will always be in the wings watching.
I have a list.
A list I will never put on my blog because if I see ANY of you on CNN being the youngest astronaut to fly in space I will punch a wall. And then I will switch up your mandatory blood test with that of an addicted crack user. I will always be in the wings watching.
Somewhere between the sky diving and creating the worlds most
perfect having my own cooking show by the time I'm 27.
The first step in having your own cooking show is knowing how to cook. Aside from having killer pots and pans.
Lucky for me I have a side kick willing to help achieve my goal and possibly buy stock in my cooking show should I agree to finance her restaurant with the money I made from all the interviews I did about being the youngest astronaut to fly in space.
We came to the conclusion that we should learn to cook together. Since she has a kitchen and more pots and pans than Williams Sonoma. We tested our theory last night. and I dare say...I'm getting in touch with an agent about my cooking show tomorrow.
Although there were a couple minor accidents..such as my willingness to hold a drainer with a small cup underneath it in order to get the noodle juice. Thus resulting in third degree burns.. only a minor set back. Our dinner turned out to be a fine meal.
Emerald already contacted me about adding it to his menu. I clearly had to tell him to step off.
So after chopping and dicing and boiling and quartering...I realized I may have a multimillion dollar industry about to break through.
I'll keep you post on the cooking show. There's talk of me kicking Rachel Ray's ass.

The first step in having your own cooking show is knowing how to cook. Aside from having killer pots and pans.
Lucky for me I have a side kick willing to help achieve my goal and possibly buy stock in my cooking show should I agree to finance her restaurant with the money I made from all the interviews I did about being the youngest astronaut to fly in space.
We came to the conclusion that we should learn to cook together. Since she has a kitchen and more pots and pans than Williams Sonoma. We tested our theory last night. and I dare say...I'm getting in touch with an agent about my cooking show tomorrow.
Although there were a couple minor accidents..such as my willingness to hold a drainer with a small cup underneath it in order to get the noodle juice. Thus resulting in third degree burns.. only a minor set back. Our dinner turned out to be a fine meal.
Emerald already contacted me about adding it to his menu. I clearly had to tell him to step off.
So after chopping and dicing and boiling and quartering...I realized I may have a multimillion dollar industry about to break through.
I'll keep you post on the cooking show. There's talk of me kicking Rachel Ray's ass.