So I decided that AA may not be the best choice for me. After I discussed it with Ketel we came to the conclusion that rehab is for quitters. Also they frown upon "Slipping" more than twice a week. I felt like if I had to get up everyday and say "Hi. My names B. I've been sober for.. *looks at watch*.. 34 minutes..and now.. how to make the perfect mojito." I might cause the whole class to slip. And not everyone is a happy and experienced drunk like me...which would result in broken limbs..a stab to the eye or maybe a swift kick to someones lower extremities.
I did however decide that it would be a good idea to write a book about me and Ketel. We've had such a happy life together since I was 12. I feel that I owe it to him. Oh, Ketel One..let me count all the ways that I love you. The day my dad found alcohol in the back trunk of my car when he was going to NASA..you were there. I was only 16...what a day that was. Didn't really turn out like I expected.
I was sitting in my room piecing together the previous night when Dave said "Can you come downstairs?" Ihad to think quick...usually my parents would come upstairs if they needed me..I only went downstairs when they had incriminating evidence against me. My childhood home operated much like a prison. You only have to see the warden when some shit went down. I said "Self...what did you do last week...cheated on two tests...fooled around with my boyfriend in his car in the school parking lot..got caught by his coach..ate some bad lettuce..drank on all the days that ended with Y. Lets see....I blacked out friday from a party...what could it beee?"
I rounded the corner thinking this has got to be about me not changing my oil last week. Dave's a stickler for changing the oil. He even made me write down how much gas I put in my car in a small booklet. That didn't last. Not only because I hate the word booklet but because I have ADHD. You can't ask me to focus on more than one thing at a gas pump. There would be a fire and small children crying. Dave still carries one in his pocket. Ask him about it...make sure you have a spoon to pluck your eyeballs out with close by.
As I got to the kitchen he was standing..odd..waiting for me.."Come with me." Hmm he must have got the note I left him about needing a John Deer gator. They can hold at least five coolers. But to my surprise..it was my cooler he had a question about. He flipped it open..and to my complete enjoyment there sat, glistening with small beads of water dripping down the side..3 bottles of Ketel..two empty bottles of Ketel...a few Mikes Hard Lemonade, two bottles of wine, a 12 pack of Bud and a bent and soaked condom box.
"What's this?" .."I think they call it alcohol Dave."
"Did you just call me Dave?..and not the alcohol..the condoms?" My dads very gifted at staying calm..especially if you can act nonchalant about a situation. I think he appreciates that I can talk to him like a colleague.
I shrugged and looked at my fingers. I noticed for the first time I had a white bandage that took up my two last fingers on my left hand. I would need to call and get some answers later. "Me and my friends blew them up and stuck them in Steve's truck..."
"So these aren't for what I think they are then?"
"Jesus Dave I'm not 12. No they're not for SEX." Yet. With that Dave shrugged..closed my cooler and patted me on the back. "Good..I thought I was going to have to ground you.." and with that he left to go eat more peanuts and read time magazine on how to save more money on gas.
Huh. Nevermind the amount of alcohol that could have caused a small explosion. Dave just didn't want my cherry popped anytime soon.
And that's when me and Ketel become inseparable. I truly believe I owe not being put in the D home or Bradford..at age 16 to Ketel.
So I'm writing a book... about our adventures together. We'll call The Vodka of Life. Because life...it gave me vodka..not just lemons. And it's been happy sailing ever since.