For example being in a small movie role starring Kate Hudson and Brad Pitt were Brad Pitt plays my obsessive boyfriend and I am forced to repeatedly tell him to stop humping me. Also taking over the Jimmy Choo franchise. Getting completely sloshed while trying to do the macarena on a Jamaican island with the pool boy named Chico. And obviously perfecting my English accent.
Some of you should incorporate goals into your life plan as well. Even if it's as simple as making pancakes for your loved one.
This weekend I knocked one off the list. Going stealth mode while hunting for deer with my bare hands. I practiced a time or two on the unsuspecting dogs. The trick is to catch them off guard. like "Come here Lady..here girl" and BAM I layed her out. She was only startled for a brief second. Then she tapped out.
Before Waffle House is considered the "sober customers", I was up slapping on my camo..putting on my war paint and tussling my hair to give it the more rugged look. I nearly peed my pants when I was handed a gun. I was prepared to go Rambo on the entire forest so this just upped my chances of taking them by surprise.
As I climbed up into the tree stand to wait..a thought hit me. What if the deer had been warned about me?..I went stealth on Lady the previous night and lets be honest..we've all seen 101 Dalmatians and know how the dog bark works. Nevertheless I wait. And wait. Gun in hand. Eyes bugged out. Hat cocked. Ready. Slowly the day breaks. And it's time to come down from the tree. I'm hungry. I didn't see a damn thing thanks to Lady and I'm starting to reek of sober.
The day passes. I learned how to speak Marion. It sounds alittle like jumbled up syllables and you have to cut out all the proper grammar you know..and then slur your words like a drunk and combine them all like the local crack addicts. I finally got some alcohol in my system and I started to reboot. By midafternoon..like a team player..I was back in the forest eyeing everything that moved.
Leaves were tricking me out..I could hear the trickling of water and the scratching of small field mice. Bitches had it coming. And then BAM. A shot was heard. We gathered quickly in search for our food. A tornado was brewing. The storm was whipping at our hair. The rain was running down our backs. I was in fierce stealth mode searching in the pitch black of the night. All to no avail. The doe had escaped our grasps. The children would starve tonight. We would have to split one bean again.
After such a long barely successful day..I needed a real drink. We headed out to the bar. Of course here in Marion..they do things alittle different. They offer us a drink called Shackwater. I'm thinking...I drink vodka straight every weekend..pour me the Shackwater!
Three drinks in and I can't see straight. Two more pickle shots and I'm not walking. Part of the night is missing. At one point I remember trying to find where we were on a map and texting my baby daddy..."Out riding dirt roads. Be home when I get home." I didn't know up from down. And then we tried to go find the deer that escaped our clutches not so long ago.
I was home by 12. The earliest in my drinking career. It was by far the greatest weekend of my life.