This is alittle different but the information is too good to not share with the team.
My friends have been real innovators (ßthis is my newest favorite word) lately. I’ve never been more proud. You know that moment when something truly wonderful falls into place and you think “Huh..why haven’t we been doing this the whole time?”
I’m all about a good time. I’m also all about a cheap good time. The same goes for my friends. Cheap whores. Yes. CNN has been telling me that the recession is over but we all seem to still be experiencing a personal recession. We got shit to save for. Like the giant slide and bouncy float that will hold 40 people for the pool. But just because we’re all on budgets doesn’t mean we rely on guys for our drinks or cut back on the amount of alcohol intake.
No my friends, in fact we up the ante. Get out your pen and paper and take notes. You’ll need this for future reference I’m sure. First of all..happy hour is your friend. Half priced drinks and $1.00 beers are enough to get any true alkie’s legs moving. Now the important way of saving money…pack a cooler in your car..frequent it during the night. Make sure your purse is big enough and you have the right bottles. No cans. They’ll catch on to that shit. Downsize your purse. You’ll need room. Guys find a good girl friend to carry the goods. She’ll be down to clown. Recession hits all children of shape and size. No one is safe.
The number one thing you kids need to remember is this: Miniatures. One miniature bottle holds about a shot and half maybe. Coke/Diet Coke/Dr. Pepper/Sprite/Whatever your heart desires is free at the bars. FREE bitches. Free.Because coke is like water at restaurants..they make their money off the liquor and although you’ll get some funny looks cause you clearly haven’t been drinking just coke.. keep on rolling. Now follow along…one Jack/Coke is say $5.50 at the bar. It takes at least 2 to get you started. SO you’ve already spent $11.00 before you even have a buzz. ß Not recession proof material.
BUT if you go to the liquor store get 8 minitures…that’s 8 drinks for those of you who can’t count..it will cost you $13.00. That’s right $13.00. Say it with me…Recession. Get a coke as soon as you walk in…drink that shit down..scuffle your drink under the table or grab yourself a lookout and pour one of the goods in. And BAM you have 8 drinks that cost less than 3 drinks at the bar. And BAM you get a buzz after say…3. What’s not to love? I’m trying to learn you guys something important here.
My lady friends and I did this very activity this weekend. I don’t think we’ve ever gone quite so balls to the wall and been so hammered in the downtown night life. For under $20.00 and not relying on guys to pull our drinks. Cause you know what that means..they expect payment. Sooner or later they expect payment.
And that’s my money saving tip lovers and friends. Get you some minifriends and join in on the budget saving skills we’ve already acquired. You’ll be glad you did.
Stay classy readers. Stay on point. And as always..stay alive.
My friends have been real innovators (ßthis is my newest favorite word) lately. I’ve never been more proud. You know that moment when something truly wonderful falls into place and you think “Huh..why haven’t we been doing this the whole time?”
I’m all about a good time. I’m also all about a cheap good time. The same goes for my friends. Cheap whores. Yes. CNN has been telling me that the recession is over but we all seem to still be experiencing a personal recession. We got shit to save for. Like the giant slide and bouncy float that will hold 40 people for the pool. But just because we’re all on budgets doesn’t mean we rely on guys for our drinks or cut back on the amount of alcohol intake.
No my friends, in fact we up the ante. Get out your pen and paper and take notes. You’ll need this for future reference I’m sure. First of all..happy hour is your friend. Half priced drinks and $1.00 beers are enough to get any true alkie’s legs moving. Now the important way of saving money…pack a cooler in your car..frequent it during the night. Make sure your purse is big enough and you have the right bottles. No cans. They’ll catch on to that shit. Downsize your purse. You’ll need room. Guys find a good girl friend to carry the goods. She’ll be down to clown. Recession hits all children of shape and size. No one is safe.
The number one thing you kids need to remember is this: Miniatures. One miniature bottle holds about a shot and half maybe. Coke/Diet Coke/Dr. Pepper/Sprite/Whatever your heart desires is free at the bars. FREE bitches. Free.Because coke is like water at restaurants..they make their money off the liquor and although you’ll get some funny looks cause you clearly haven’t been drinking just coke.. keep on rolling. Now follow along…one Jack/Coke is say $5.50 at the bar. It takes at least 2 to get you started. SO you’ve already spent $11.00 before you even have a buzz. ß Not recession proof material.
BUT if you go to the liquor store get 8 minitures…that’s 8 drinks for those of you who can’t count..it will cost you $13.00. That’s right $13.00. Say it with me…Recession. Get a coke as soon as you walk in…drink that shit down..scuffle your drink under the table or grab yourself a lookout and pour one of the goods in. And BAM you have 8 drinks that cost less than 3 drinks at the bar. And BAM you get a buzz after say…3. What’s not to love? I’m trying to learn you guys something important here.
My lady friends and I did this very activity this weekend. I don’t think we’ve ever gone quite so balls to the wall and been so hammered in the downtown night life. For under $20.00 and not relying on guys to pull our drinks. Cause you know what that means..they expect payment. Sooner or later they expect payment.
And that’s my money saving tip lovers and friends. Get you some minifriends and join in on the budget saving skills we’ve already acquired. You’ll be glad you did.
Stay classy readers. Stay on point. And as always..stay alive.