Soul mate: (n) 1822; a person who is perfectly suited to another in temperament; a person who strongly resembles another in attitudes or beliefs. They have many similar interests and share an almost equal interest in their life direction. They will think alike and in many cases will be able to continue speaking a sentence where the other one has left off. They are a mirror of each other, although they do not have to be exactly the same. However, each one compliments the other with their individual strengths and weaknesses and they will understand each other by being on same 'wavelength'. There is no limit to what a true Soul Mate might do in order to provide their support and, on many occasions, it is not fully understood why they do so. (Webster Dictionary)
A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. Maybe our girlfriends are our soulmates and guys are just people to have fun with.
I have the best friends in the whole world.
I met Charlie 10 years ago in a hallway at high school. She was wearing overalls and thought it was ok to comment on the money hanging out of my pocket. The money was a carefully executed plan to get more money and the overalls just begged me to make fun of her. She took it in stride though and we've been together ever since. We's like peas and carrots.
I met Poppy shortly after that..working lemonade stands trying to holla for a dolla. The attraction wasn't instant due to Poppy's natural ability to be flighty but it wasn't long before she too joined the wolf pack. Poppy has connections that only publicist dream about. This is a bitch you want on your team.
I've known Mercedes the least amount of time but that doesn't make her any less important in my world. She's a down ass bitch and gorgeous. We can get into bars and drinks bought for us just because of her boobs. She's quick to go along with whatever you need and loves a good fight.
I met Kate my freshmen year of college at Auburn. I was at a guys apartment watching ESPN or playing cards, when she came in. She stumbled up the stairs out of her mind wasted. I knew before she even spoke that we'd be fast friends. After she offered me the left over tuna casserole that had been sitting on the stove for 4 days, I knew then we were in it for life.
Esperanza (who I call Z) and I formed a tight friendship over books, history and religion. The 2 short years that I've known her seem like 20. We get it. We get each other and we get our desperate need to talk about current events, the country's past presidents and the constitution. All over a good margarita.
I met Mikey through my brother. I'd known of her for years but never had any one on one time. I was partying with the boys one day and Stephen said Mikey was coming over. I usually hate all of his friends but this time it was different. Mikey came with her own personal cooler full of goodies and vodka. A girl after my own heart. She hates all the same people I do and devoted herself to Ketel One. She doesn't take shit and she was never scared of how deep I roll. Bitch got a slot on my team the instant her cooler cracked open..it was love at first drink.
Kate and Z are married and can't always be down to clown but that doesn't mean that they are any less on my team or any less apart of my heart.
These are my bitches. We ride together. We die together. And that's true life. I can't even begin to describe the loyalty and the complete love we have for each other. If you mess with one of us, we will light your shit up. We're brutally honest with not just people on the streets but with each other. We keep it real. We don't judge. We make every attempt to have clear cut understandings about the way we feel. We don't do drama. And we don't do amateur hour.
We will go to war for each other and not think twice about the firing range we may have to stand in front of. We protect each other, we cover for each other, we are committed to the goals and success of each person. If you come at one of us, you'll be coming at all of us. Don't think for one minute you can get away with anything. We will find you. There's not a single one of us that wouldn't do hard time because some fuckhead thought they could get away with some bullshit. If you've never heard the song "Goodbye Earl" by the Dixie Chicks...now would be a good time to look it up.
We are rude but honest. Ruthless but loyal. Loud and annoyingly opinionated but silent when you ask for last nights details. We will lie for each other, kill for each other, die for each other. These girls and I will parade these streets and I'll be damned if you rain on it.
So when you think you wanna talk some game sprinkled with bullshit on it or deny something we know to be true, you should start sleeping with one eye open cause my whole bitch ass crew is coming for you. There is a special place in hell for the haters and the betrayers and we'll be your one way ticket greeters.
They're my soul mates. I will fight for them. They will fight for me. I have the best friends in the whole world. You should be so fucking lucky.
Stay classy. Stay on point. And above all...stay alive.